Thanks to dog boarding centers and doggy daycares, pet owners are able to enjoy an escape every now and then – whether it’s a weekend getaway or a 10-day retreat. One of the most exciting aspects about preparing for a vacation is packing your bags. However, it’s also one of the most important, as failure to pack necessary items can leave you unequipped for certain situations. Hence, when packing for an overnight stay, you must be very thorough and organized. The same is true for packing your dog’s bag for his boarding stay.

Whether your dog is a new or seasoned boarder, you want to make sure that he has everything he needs to feel comfortable and stress-free while you are away. At most facilities, dog boarding costs include bedding, treats, and other supplies for your dog during their stay. However, pet owners are welcome, and often encouraged, to bring along a few additional items to help your dog enjoy the boarding experience as much as possible. Here are 7 items to pack in your pet’s doggy bag for his dog boarding stay.


Most pet owners stick with 1 to 2 different types of food that they know their dog enjoys. If you have ever tried to introduce a different type of brand or food to your dog, you know that this can cause a negative change in appetite and even upset stomach. Since your dog may already feel uneasy in the unfamiliar environment of the dog daycare, you want to keep the other aspects of his life as normal as possible. Provide your pet sitter with enough food to last the entire duration of your dog’s stay. Use small plastic baggies to package pre-measured meals, and label them “Breakfast”, “Lunch”, and “Dinner”. This will ensure that your dog is getting exactly the right amount of food for each meal. If there is any food leftover, the pet sitters will be able to tell that your dog may be feeling stressed or uncomfortable.


Many dogs must take certain medication and/or supplements on a daily basis, and your dog boarding facility will be happy to administer these to them as needed. Include the appropriate number of doses that your dog will need to take in your absence, as well as written instructions with details such as dosage amount and schedule. If the medicine and/or supplements must be taken with food, it’s helpful to include them in the pre-packaged meal bags.

Sometimes being in an unfamiliar environment and being around other dogs can trigger an existing ailment in your dog. In addition to any regular medications, include emergency medications that you think may be necessary just in case.


Dog daycares like Underdog Kennels are well equipped with all sorts of toys for your pet to play with. However, almost every dog has their favorites that they just can’t live without. Pack 1 or 2 of these toys to make sure your dog has all of the fun that he enjoys at home.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this is especially true for pets and their owners. No matter how much fun you and your pet are having, you on your vacation and your dog with his new friends, you will surely miss each others’ company. To keep your dog feeling close to you even in your absence, include something with your scent. This can be a blanket, t-shirt, or even a sock. This is a wonderful way to help your dog feel comfortable, calm, and stress-free.


Most doggie daycares require sending your dog with 1 leash, but it’s always a good idea to include 2 in case the other is lost.


If you have not submitted all of the paperwork necessary beforehand, be sure that all required documents and forms are ready to present on drop off day. This could include everything from medical records, vaccination charts, contracts, and rule acknowledgment forms. Contact the pet daycare if you have any questions about a specific form or document.


As your dog’s owner, you know more about him than anyone else on the planet. Does your dog have a special food or water bowl that he loves to eat and drink out of? Does he have a KONG or certain treats that make his tail wag? Think of items that will help your dog feel happy and comfortable and throw them into your dog’s overnight bag.


As a dog boarding center, our goal is to make your dog feel as happy and calm as possible throughout the duration of his stay. By thoroughly packing your dog’s bag, you better equip us to do so.